Muskuloskeletal & Pain Conditions


Pain is our body’s warning system telling us something is wrong. It appears in many forms – none of them pleasant. It can be acute and stabbing in nature, or chronic and nagging. It can appear suddenly or develop over weeks or months. Acupuncture is well known for it’s ability to treat lower back pain, osteo-arthritis of the knee and even dental pain.

Acute pain conditions (under 6 weeks) generally respond quickly to acupuncture treatment and if possible, two treatments a week are best for a couple of weeks until the pain has gone. Chronic pain conditons (over 3 months) are a different matter because the body has incorporated the pain condition into it’s sense of ‘self’. You will find yourself saying ‘my shoulder injury’ instead of ‘the pain in my shoulder’. Naturally this takes longer to shift and is true of all chronic conditions.

Proper circulation in the tissue is important not only for blood to nourish the tissues but also to enhance the elimination of muscle fatigue and pain-causing substances (e.g., lactic acid). Tight muscles with poor circulation are easily fatigued and more prone to injury. When circulation in the tissue improves through exercise and treatment, muscle relaxation occurs and immediate pain reduction follows in many cases.

Back Pain

Lower back pain may be caused by tension, soreness or stiffness anywhere from the neck downwards. It’s often referred to as ‘non-specific back pain’ and the good news is that it can improve on it’s own after a few days. If pain persists after this time, it’s best to get some help – acute conditions (lasting less than 6 weeks) tend to respond much faster to treatment than chronic conditions (lasting longer than 3 months).

  • Stay active and continue your daily activities as normally as you can but don’t put unnecessary strain on your back.

  • Apply hot or cold packs to the affected area – test to find out which most improves the pain. You can buy specially designed hot and cold packs from most pharmacies.

  • Gentle stretching and exercise – on a daily basis! This keeps the muslces, joints and ligaments supple and helps prevent injury.

  • Lie on the floor 5-20 mins with your knees bent and feet positioned 12 – 16″ away from your buttocks in line with your shoulders. Place a towel under your head for support if required. Let your back relax – don’t try and press it into the floor.

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

There’s now clear scientific evidence that acupuncture can be beneficial if you have osteoarthritis in your knees. Pain relief may only last a short time at the beginning, but repeated treatment (usually weekly for six or eight sessions) can bring long-term benefits. If the pain returns, then more acupuncture may help for another few months.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is often caused by a simple muscle strain or tension. Other causes include whiplash or changes in the bones or joints of your spine. Most cases of neck pain are relatively short-lived. But sometimes neck problems may be part of a general condition such as osteoarthritis.

The most common type of neck problem is non-specific neck pain. The symptoms include pain and stiffness, but there doesn’t seem to be an obvious cause. It may happen after sitting in a draught, repetitive work, carrying heavy bags, or after a minor twisting injury.

Tightness at the top of the neck can influence autonomic nervous functioning and prolonged periods of tension can cause various symptoms such as headache, lack of concentration, poor memory, insomnia or irritability.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder muscle tension and stiffness is a very common concern, especially in people who work in an office. Sitting in front of a computer and typing for extensive periods of time causes a lack of circulation in the tissue and fatigue of the muscles involved. Shoulder pain and stiffness can be also aggravated by other common reasons, many of which can be effectively treated with acupuncture.